
Showing posts from 2009

...and so to the end of 2009

....and so................ ...even more ends to 2009 reflections on the end ...and so it goes .....the end gets even more reflected glory...than the begining. and that's it......2009 done in a reflection or two!   A wedge in the sky. Peckham.

After the trauma of NO UFO's

Peckham. Oxford Street. Pipes and curves. The Elephant

Chinese lanterns are UFO's

I guess I am a total prat not suspecting that those silent things moving across the sky could be...and most probably are........ Chinese Lanterns. Ah first close encounter was a flop.....maybe the second might have more to it than a paper bag and tea light!

UFO's over London?

Unedited image. 1 Unedited 2 Just been down to Nunhead to see the usually brilliant Christmas lights that people have decorated their houses with. This was about 6:00 pm. There were two of us ( my mate and I) who saw the lights between 6:10 and 6:20 pm. Sadly there were very few Christmas lights this year....but looking up into the sky we were amazed to see....silent... ......soundless lights traveling almost directly overhead from south west to north east. They traveled in pairs.........however the second pair had a third,much fainter light, quite some way in front. Too far too be attached.There were no flashing lights as with aircraft or helicopters. They were orange in colour and all traveled in the same direction moving quite fast across the sky. There was little wind so that could not have powered them. I have a series of twelve images that are not great but images all the same. I have adusted the contrast on some of the images, as well as enlarging them. This is the result. Did a...

Christmas London 2009

"Two Men......thinking of space for Turkey.....perhaps" "TAM flies in" "Man inspired by TAM" "Tam" Aided View from One Tree Hill. Peckham Library Tate Modern and St Paul's all in one spectacular eyeful.

East Dulwich Christmas

Merry Christmas from East Dulwich

Red Hair, Red Bag, Red Parliament and other Red things. 22 December 2009

"Red Stripes, Hair and Plastic Bag" 2009 "brrrrrr" 2009 "Untitled" 2009 "Untitled Animated by Peckham Man" 2009 "brrrrr again" 2009 "Diagonal" 2009 "Waiting for Crumbs" 2009 "Waiting for Crumbs nearer to God" 2009 "White Roof" 2009 " Green Tower, Pink Chimney"  2009 "Path of the Parliamentarian" 2009 "Two Members of the Opposition-strutter" 2009 "Three Doing Business in the Shade" 2009   "Perhaps Parliament Should be a Wheel" 2009

Peckham things...mainly snow stuff.

"Ice Table" "Green Machines" "Local Birds" "Runner 1" "Runner 2 With Running Dog" "Woman with Dog" "Sensible Man" "Woman with Three Bags" "Snow Head" "Alternative Flowers" "Patterns" "More Patterns"