
Showing posts from June, 2012

Eight Minute Domestic Sky 30 June 2012 + Virtual Mother

"16:00" 30 June 2012 "16:01" 30 June 2012 "16:02" 30 June 2012 "16:03" 30 June 2012 "16:04" 30 June 2012 "16:05" 30 June 2012 "16:06" 30 June 2012 "16:07" 30 June 2012 "16:08" 30 June 2012 "Virtual Mother" 30 June 2012

Spiderman drowns in the English Summer Sky

"Spiderman, Drowning,  Leaves His Rockstick Vehicle" 24 June 2012 "Spiderman Plunges towards the Parisian Time Piece" 24 June 2012 "The Demise of the Hero who Couldn't  Breathe English Summer Air" 24 June 2012 "Meanwhile in the Virtual World" 23 June 2012 Little Known Fact: Vladimir Putin is the Spite Child of Ronald Reagan and Margret Thatcher. Dennis was out playing Golf and Nancy was out.  Apparently...when Nancy opened her mouth for the cameras..............the aperture was infinite......a black hole. That is the story on how Putin came to power. Spermed by the Tory Parties in UK and USA.  "Yellow Lavender in Victorian Sewer Replacement Pipe" 24 June 2012 "Bug and Borrage" 24 June 2012 "Borrage and Brick" 24 June 2012 Good luck Egypt. 

Welcome to The US Embassy London

"Seven things in Seven  Hours" 22 June 2012 How is it possible that the "Most Powerful" nation on earth has an embassy building in the heart of London that resembles a car park on the outside and a penitentiary on the inside. Its all decorated with  nicotine stain coloured walls, "graced" with a misplaced and badly hung American Flag weighed down by two ghastly "shelves" of  Warhol rubbish to the right of it.  There are rows of  "visiting" cubicles that have screens and bars rising to the ceiling some twenty foot above....over the top or what.........whoever designed that must have some idea that Batman 'n Robin and the rest of the comic world Super heroes  would be applying for visas from London and.......... in their boredom ( six hours without a mobile) would leap about the place playing silly buggers with the staff behind the desks.   Come on America...we know that you are moving house at some point  in the ...

...more unnerving tales of Spiderman the Fly Eating Spider from Mars celebrating the Genius of himself and Major Sara Tom

"Spiderman Departs Paris 12:00 midday" 17 June 2012 "Alien Bees on Spiderman's Menu" 17 June 2012 "Spiderman on Woodrock Astroid Craft" 17 June 2012

Spiderman swings in and eats the flies in Paris

"Spiderman has Square Nipples and a hole in his Shoe" 16 June 2012 "Spiderman Saragossa Sea Crossing " 16 June 2012 "Full of Flies Victory Salute" 16 June 2012 "Spiderman Crossed the Heliosphere" 16 June 2012 It's a weekend full of stuff, the Greek Stuff, the Egyptian stuff and how do I get to the shops, the gym, and pump up the bike tyre stuff. Big stuff happens....small stuff prevails

and so the summer, like venus, transits.

"English Summer" 14:00 - 7 June 2012  as depressing as the grim grey smiles of Russia and China  entertaining the Syrian Killers.

....hmmm where is the republican sunshine?

"Jubilee Skyline-Peckham" 3 June 2011 "Sun Trap" 3 June 2011 "Easterly Winds Blowing" 3 June 2012

...something yellow is happening....and.......there is a parallel universe through a hole in my wall.

"How the Empire was Lost" 2 June 2012 "Pretty Crowd Control" 2 June 2012 "Tranny Tower from Ben To Beth" 2 June 2012 "Purple Dandy" 2 June 2012 "Red Squiggle" 2 June 2012 "Yellow" 2 June 2012 "Mobile and Father with Child " 2 June 2012 "Yellow Drink" 2 June 2012 "Aware" 2 June 2012 David, Isolde and Gracie" 2 June 2012 "Green Colanders strain Southbank" 2 June 2012 "Food Festival" 2 June 2012 "Unknown Daughters" 2 June 2012 "Yellow Highlights" 2 June 2012 "Yellow Stools" 2 June 2012 "David and Isolde" 2 June 2012 "Grimacing Film Director" 2 June 2012 "HAYW" 2 June 2012 "Window Opposite Hayward Gallery" 2 June 2012 "Fat Bellied man" 2 June 2012 "...