"The Appointment Was 15 Minutes Early" 12 May 2013 "15 Minutes of Creative Dentistry" 12 May 2014 ..........apparently there are internet sites that reckon that the West....us and our representative governments and military....murdered (shot) the folk in Odessa last week and burnt the building they were in to cover up the crime. I would imagine that there will now appear different information blaming the pro Russians for murdering their own folk so as to blame the west with the "factual evidence" that they have manufactured. It also suggests ( internet site) that Obama....because he did not condemn the killing...... is implicated in the crime. Are we then to surmise and perhaps more accurately that the gruesome killings in Syria by the Assad regime...funded and armed by Vlad The Put in Moscow....and not condemned by him directly implicates him? Someho...