
Showing posts from 2016

....a tweetorama

"The Conversation Narrowed Then Faltered" 19:12:16

...the practice.

"Man in Red Trousers" 12:12:16

...and the season of gift bringing was fast approaching....

"Bearers" 08:12:16

....there was a broken path to follow..

"Time Leaked Bad Blood" 3 December 2016

....and so a tale was told.....

"The Narcissist or The Invincibility of Stupidity" 26:11:16

...fear of the dark........and other things...

"Graffitied Cosmos" 18 November 2016

.........apparently...we ...have no............foreign....... blood...we are pure.......Englishists........

"Mid Century Pattern" 23:10:16

....the door barely opened....

"It Was a Surprising Full Moon" 20:10:16

Always walking barefoot.

"Walking" 21:09:16

The balance of justice rested on a badly inflated rubber ball.

"Relative value" 16:09:16

...the President finally confirmed that they were not smelly fermenting sparrows falling from the sky...............but out of control geese.

"The Painting of Aleppo Hung Skew" 14:09:16

They were smelly fermented sparrows falling from the sky ..................the President remarked.

"The Dilemma" 13:09:16

...they say its the spiders mating season.

"Without My Glasses There Were Two Controlled Zones" 10:09:16 autumn approaches.

"Those Passing By"  04:09:16 the craft slipped by Saturn.

" Man Mimicking The Rising Sun" 30:08:16 ...and so the Flat Earth Society affiliated itself not only to the Labour Party in the UK but also set up a branch deep within the Republican Party USA. They are already a powerful force in Moscow and Belarus.  

...and so progress was made...we had Michael Judus ..stab Boris The Brutus and now..

"Fed By Five Thousand Fish Sarnies"  26:08:16 instead of getting into JC's delicate shoes.......I tried on the suit and shirt......Instant Virgin Birth and Stigmata .....I will see my shrink tomorrow and check into my new personality disorder.........

..this much I know,

Boris apparently is unlike anyone we know enigma....possibly going to be an unelected PM after having been sacked twice in the past for lying. so here we have it...the charms of the bourgeoisie....the new elite. Take your country back from those who seek to destroy it Nick Cohen T he English air is as foul as it has been at any point since my childhood. It is as if the sewers have burst. The Leave campaign has captured the worst of England and channelled it into a know-nothing movement of loud mouths and closed minds. It is easy to mock, but essential to fight, because the new right could win a victory that may never be reversed. If you do not want to be saying: “I want my country back” for the rest of your life, my best advice is not sell it out on Thursday. You get a measure of the unashamed charlatanry of the men who ask for your votes, if you remember that the leaders of the Leave faction once posed as compassionate conservatives. Not so long ag...

Jacques Brel - Ne Me Quitte Pas

...something to love over a long weekend in May

...sunny day blues

"In the Mirror, Without Glasses, He couldn't tell whether he was Male or Not"  04:05:2016 the top right of the mirror was the reflection of  a country with +/- 500 million people.....we, without glasses, saw they found a  Donald and  a Hillary. At CERN...working through six degrees of separation transpired that Bernie and Hillary are brothers......... Donald and Daffy are lovers.  It was a very fine mirror...with or without glasses, Science is great.
"The Reluctant Saint" 01:05:2016

3 April 2016

'Spring Head" 03/04/2016 "Winter Legs" 03/04/2016

apparently it should have been the Ides of April....

"The Conversation" 01:04:2016

...walking there and back.....

"Walking There 1" 03:03:16 "Walking There 2" 03:03:16 "Walking There 3" 03:03:16 "Walking There 4" 03:03:16 "Walking There  5" 03:03:16 "Walking There 6" 03:03:16 "Walking There 7" 03:03:16 the press of a exploration.

"Charming Snakes and Ancestor Reunion" 18:02:16

...and fifty years later another censorship arose......

"To Be Silenced...Camouflaged Soul " 15:02:16                                          Institutional grey and green with polished red floors.

...and so the ceasefire in Syria is timetabled in..........somewhere......

"Quality Street" 13:02:16

all the transparency in the world....

"Five Twos" 09:02:16 "The Mirror's Reasonable Facsimile" 09:02:16 It became apparent that all the calls for transparency came from those that had the language to be able to understand the complexities and opaqueness of the original "sin"......and so that new information.......they could proceed to formulate their own concoction, just as baffling, convoluted, laced with arsenic and ideological weeds. Not dissimilar to those they cried foul to.  Perhaps .......the difference being .............the poison used! "The Triumph of Transparency" 09:02:16

the blurred border between there and there.....

"I Knew You Then As Well As Now" 08:02:16

Tonald Dump did not win in Ohio de dee...La de dah....sang the two dogs Volks and Wagen

"Singing Dogs...Volks and Wagen" 02:02:16

......and so the recollection became increasingly accurate...there was a thunderstorm in the distance

"Red Sun in The Morning, Sailors Warning" 01:02:16

..the accuracy of the reverie was imperative......dolu

The Accurate Reverie" 31:01:16

...the spring rose from the side of the hill and I saw shapes in the clouds....

"dolu" 30:01:16

...after sweeping everything under the carpet...she stood at the door.......hearing nothing

"The Tattoo Lament" 28:01:16

...the triumphant note screeched "dolu"

"The Flautist Killed The Percussionist" 24:01:16

Vlad The Put in Moscow denies everything

"Both The Cat and The Crocodile Mimicked The Head, Dolu They Cried" 21:01:16 Apparently Vlad's alibi is that he didn't drink tea, was not in London but in a sauna with his gym buddies  drinking vodka until it's cow came home. 

...the trouble was....erm.......

"Diving Into Shadows" 20:01:16 Which one of the great Gods would seek out psychopaths and deeply flawed souls with personality disorders to protect their creation? 

Mixed dreams of Italian Gardens and the broken stick of Carlo Carrà

" Boomslang + Pop Dog with Blue Cock Cowed - Draft 3" 18:01:16

...the plough was broken on the stone in the field.....looking for the garden

"Snake Charmed + Pop Blue Cock Crowing" 18:01:16 "Snake Charmed" 13:01:16