Talking about bikes...not really
I ride everywhere............don't have a car. I am stunned how stupid people look in their big monster 4X4's as they sit in traffic jams in the city.....these vehicles must be the flared trousers of the new century, they are ridiculous. Another mad vehicle knocking about the streets of Brixton and Peckham is the insanely silly small "jeep" like machine usually driven by a "hairdresser" and a mobile phone. I suspect that the phone has more brains in it's circuitry than the "hairdresser"..........and that other desperately camp set driving around in their Beemers (BMW's). They have tons of sad, sad looking bits of metal strung around their necks and wrists, their shades look as if they've fallen off the back of a lorry.....they wear prissy coordinated (white) jump suites and they scowl like a Brazilian tranny with cool is that. The boys with their jeans hanging halfway down their ass......................very submissive signals there boys.........and they think they are emulating the tough lads who had their belts removed while on the inside..................maybe...........which makes it submissive x 2 .