Spring in Peckham

Happy May day and a happy May. Mothers wedding
anniversary was on the 1st and 87th. birthday on the fifth
a happy day for both events.

So what else has been happening. Swine flu is around as
a distraction from the swines who have made us ill with
bankruptcies and recession. The flu is still to come.

Gordy Wordy who saved the world did his crap You Tube
vid and became the laughing stock of the world of youth and others
and succeeded in throwing more discredit on the manure heap
of politics.

Well done Gordy.

Hazel Gurning Bleares is gurning in sympathy to gurning Gordy.

The BBC has "promised" a hot lovely summer.......so get your
wellies out and prepare for the worst.

Why doesn't the government get rid of vat on bicycles and pay
those of us who have one already ...£300 to replace the
old one with a new user friendly commuter bike?

This idea of giving a few grand to get rid of old cars to replace
them with new cars is a bit mad.........sort of deferred
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