At Home with...things and other things

"Duck, Mates & Pan Holder" 2009

I watched an Horizon program last night ( recorded )
and it was all about who we do we know
ourselves......what is consciousness etc etc. It was
pretty amazing....there is apparently a six second delay
between the "body" setting up an "action" and the
mind being aware and acting out the event. That is

The brain scan indicated that it was possible
to know what an individual might do...six seconds
before they actually act. Whew. So.......if I have got this
right...and the program was dealing with an Oxford
mathematician...then this six second delay would
account for his level of skills.

However with others of greater intellect and mind
fitness it could account for "Sixth sense"........multiple
universes.....and who knows what.........on the other
hand a person of my diminishing skills and and
severely depleted intellect.................the delay
could be longer and account for the confusion
that too much time gives too many conflicting
streams for the body/mind to deal with!
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