....stuff....and the National Gallery is an Idiot

"Winter Garden Dawn" 14 January 2012

"Winter Garden" 14 January 2012

"Dawn" 14 January 2012

"Allotment Dawn 1" 14 January 2012

"Dawn Allotment 2" 14 January 2012

"Sunset" 13 January 2012

"Your TV Channels will Disappear Sunset" 13 January 2012

The National Gallery is an Idiot. They need to rethink the
space they instal "block buster" shows in. The da Vinci
exhibition is bollacks. Ikea, Primark and even the Police
have a better sense of crowd control than the morons at
the National Gallery. They even have the temerity to charge
£17:50 for an indeterminate period of molestation by frenzied
geriatric lovers of dead painters.


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