....spring things...shed the fat winter ass boy.

" Shed The Fat Winter Ass Boy"10 March 2012

"Shadow Tree" 10March 2012

"Single Horn Cow with No Name and Other Treasures" 10 March 2012

The idea of a North Korean satellite zooming about overhead is not something that most of us would want to happen.....it's all a bit bizarre....a bit....  "Papa Doc" with way too many digital toys to play with.....a bit.....effing  scary.......I say...,,......a bit .....what's the matter with these idiot people.....spending money on being scary rather than feeding their people?

The same as India, Pakistan......and next...Iran. Hey folk......do something useful......love each other.....feed your people...get rid of the bombs...........ah............just had a thought.............this is all a bit........potish calling the kettle blackish. 

......we have less of the starving poor....and plenty of bombs.......hmmmm......so that's all right then! I guess so!....maybe not!

The agony of a westernized liberal African.


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