Wales, and other weighty matters

The BBC has invented "Corporate Dieback Disease" a cross species jumping event. 

The ash trees have been jumping around...nay...punk pogoing with frenetic energy....rushing around the countryside infecting each other  like promiscuous teenage rabbits. 

An Ent happened  by whistling in the wind.......... which blew back...... straight into the open yawning, sleepy un enquiring gap in his face........... the sleepy "dieback" bug shaken from the Ashes that were rising like Phoenix Phlying as they pogoed through the phields of  phun in the BBC car park.

Within a week...the Ent who whistled........ had no Idea whether he was living in a newday nor news night. He was so smitten with the mirror on the wall that he was practicing talking to....... he forgot to ask  who had thrown a nasty Big Bad C called SA Ville at it and smashed it to pieces. There was a Pattern beginning to emerge here. 

Arses rushing around scattering "Dieback" bugs everywhere. Investigative entertainers pogoing everywhere with frenzied hysteria...passing urine and notes to Prime Ministers with names of people from the mindless mobsters baying at the feet of sloppy minds on the innta net....innit john?

A pottern is emerging here again........the silly ITV man who thinks he is handsome and bright should be sacked for passing the wrong answers to the head boy in full view of ....well the whole fucking nation....why is he still contaminating our eyes and ears. Get back on stage you silly silly  man and sing monochrome coat songs....badly....again.

 A contaminated  Ent  found the "reflection"  of the the brick wall behind the smashed mirror  amiable...a good likeness .  He continued to  practice his speech on good governance.

Humphry Dumpfrey shat on the Wall and the Ent came crumbling down...slip sliding away on the stench beneath his feet that he forgot ask how it got there. Who was the Wales man that had beached him?

A Pattern emerged again...hug and kissed his smelly Ent socks and pointed the finger elsewhere......No blame here's the  saddest newnight of my life  it has......has been to hear the Ent whistle in the wind......... infectious whistle wind...that wind eating us all up it does.......  "Big Bad Cop-orate Die Back Disease" wind. a burger bar on a Swiss mountain  fury has no rage like a ditched antipodean tranny.....the wind chill factor is screechingiy vicious for those with their pants down.

Apparently more Ents are going to roll!

"Gladestry " 2nd Novmber 2012

"Window Things" 2 November 2012

"Beautiful Work Space for Jess" 2 November 2012

"Hay on Wye" 3 November 2012

"Shop Front-Hay on Wye"  3 November 2012

"Shop Front -Hay on Wye" 3 November 2012

"Welsh Moon-Gladestry" 2 November 2012

"Hornets Nest" 2 November 2012

"Steve, Vashti & Sam" 2 November 2012

"Bus Shelter" 2 November 2012

"Dog" 2 November 2012

"Blue Board" 2 November 2012

"Hergerst Hill" 4 November 2012

"Crucified White Rabbit" 3 November 2012

"Taking Lunch" 3 November 2012

"Garden Decoration" 3 November 2012

Meanwhile in Syria...a Pattern is emerging of State Sponsored murder and other unspeakable things that continues to be endorsed, it seems, by Vlad the S'Putin.


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