..a family conversation on Rye Lane

"The Family_Rye Lane" 6 August  2014

I heard a mother speaking to her two daughters who were about four and five years old.
 "You fucking bitches will never come with me again." 
"Move, fucking move." 
....look at mobile....
" You make me fucking sick."
....look at mobile....
 "Move, move, move...fucking move"
....look at mobile....
 "Move you bitch"
....look at mobile....

"Move, fucking move." 
" You make me fucking sick."
 "Move, move, move...fucking move"
 "Move you bitch"
(....look at mobile....)

I felt ill and fell back from the horror of this street "theatre". 
I asked someone if I should intervene. 
"No" they said..." It's none of your business"

I made a drawing.
 Neko Case made a song.


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