...we need to talk about Dad...........

"Teenager with Flying Machine" 1940/1

Seven out of thirteen of these men died. Dad has put across against those who never came back from whichever mission they were on.

Blokes on a mound

Dad Circa 1938

Four men and a flying machine....Dad on the right with light in his eyes.

Report on the flying and ground training 1940 - 1941

...assuming this is one of the  planes Dad flew

.....he lost his way the first time but managed the second.

....unknown folk on a wing

.....and he's not in this crowd at the pub.

Man and Machine 1

Man and Machine 2

...the guys on the course Nov 1940 > January 1941. Dad was the shortest bloke there. He always remarked about the courageous Polish pilots he had as companions fighting for the freedom of Europe. 

A young man old before his time.




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