Our Green and Pleasant Land

On the way home from work yesterday I came across this
police notice at the side of the road. I Thought it was a joke at first and cycled on. Came back for a second look and no....................not a joke.

The winds have damaged the gym in East Dulwich.......Goose Green to be exact.............now isn't that a name that conjours up miserable memories of the Falklands/Malvinas conflict.................ill winds................so............... have to find some other place to clear my brain.

The biggest excitement though was to discover and be in touch with a niece I had never heard of. Fantastic.....are there any more of you guys out there?

Ah..............Big Bro........and the self confused/confleshed Zlane Goooooooooody has had all her perfume tossed down the bog hole of history........................she has according to the gloating Nues of the Werld stopped being the 25th most in-flu-in-shil person on earth and is now the most important person on planet Shjite.

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