On the way to Tai Chi in Crystal Palace and a thought on the Lockerbie Bomber
19th. August, 7:30pm, 30C...and the long shadows of a late
summer evening on Peckham Rye.
Waiting at the bus stop...thought I would
include a picture of Si Mangia...nice
Italian Restaurant......good food...
very comfortable place to eat.
Crystal Palace mast.
The site of the old Crystal Palace with a replica of part
of the corner of the original building....I think it's what
it said!
Mast with neat arrangement of flowers.
It would be worth living in Crystal Palace just for the view.
On the Lockerbie Bomber 20 August 2009.
So what happened today? Well , the Scottish Government
with the connivance of the British Government, have released
the Lockerbie Bomber to fly home to Libya to die........with his
family at his side ........ over the next few months.
This decision was based on a governments sense of "compassion."
Governments like any other organisational machines have no
feelings...... which leads one to believe that this "compassion "
must be read as expedience....money is not far from the surface
of this ghastly error.
The bomber could have been released into a secure Scottish Hospital where
his family could have had free access to the mass killer as he completed his life.
That would have been an act of compassion that I think even his
victims families might of understood and possibly accepted.
What has actually happened is an insult and a disgrace.