...great fun...couldn't paint, couldn't sculpt, couldn't sing, couldn't dance............ but life was blistering.....

Bloke from Buxted Chicken Factory +/- 1982

Bean "sculpture" seeded to grow: Foundation

Triangular canvas...seeing how marks and colours worked. Foundation

Prime colours, reflection, transparency 3D piece: Foundation

Prime colours, reflection, transparency 3D piece: Foundation

Prime colours, reflection, transparency 3D piece: Foundation 


Head contemplating head

Mono prints


Charcoal drawing

Acrylic on paper

Head in Box

Man with Cat

Narcissus with eye

Portrait with red braces



Seated figure with fag

'omage to Chagall 

Pale skin

Sacred Heart and man with dinky shorts

Steve's head

Mixed medium...snot, paper oil paint.

Heritage jazz and all that jazz 

The reluctant American Saint


Reclining dude

in Landscape

painting on easel

work on paper

vast bee on paper

bacon circle on paper

The United Nations


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