Spiderman drowns in the English Summer Sky
"Spiderman, Drowning, Leaves His Rockstick Vehicle" 24 June 2012
"Spiderman Plunges towards the Parisian Time Piece" 24 June 2012
"The Demise of the Hero who Couldn't Breathe English Summer Air" 24 June 2012
"Meanwhile in the Virtual World" 23 June 2012
Little Known Fact: Vladimir Putin is the Spite Child of Ronald Reagan and Margret Thatcher.
Dennis was out playing Golf and Nancy was out. Apparently...when Nancy opened her mouth for the cameras..............the aperture was infinite......a black hole. That is the story on how Putin came to power. Spermed by the Tory Parties in UK and USA.
"Yellow Lavender in Victorian Sewer Replacement Pipe" 24 June 2012
"Bug and Borrage" 24 June 2012
"Borrage and Brick" 24 June 2012
Good luck Egypt.