The very best I can do post Devon.

Barbie in a Trough...where else should she be?

Got back to London on Sunday from the Devonish trip which was lovely.......brilliant friends and excellent antidote to Sarf Lundin.
Must have touched something I shouldn't have or breathed in the air that was ripe with "vice" Tuesday I was feeling a bit spaced. Went to gym and pretended to work out. Left feeling short changed and lightheaded.
That was it: Ill................. oh hell was I ill! Acute muscle/joint pain, ever increasing headache and the need to throw up every time I moved.................and absolutely no energy. Not nice. I thought that I might possibly go and see a doctor on Wednesday I felt so bad. No way.............. I didn't even have the power to get out of bed and look for the number...let alone dial.
The last time I felt as bad as this was when Thatcher left Downing Street.
I doubt that anything so sweet will happen this time.........but perhaps the South African Transport Unions refusal to off load the Chinese
cargo ship in Durban.................. loaded with weapons for Mugabe's regime in Harare or to transport it is a very close second.
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